YSS Yoga Techniques for Shoulders, Neck and Hands

If you suffer from problems in your shoulders, neck or hands, then this yoga session is aimed at helping you minimize tension and increase strength and mobility. Take a look at the benefits below.

The Benefits Are:

  • Helps to reduce the risk of injury to the shoulder joint.
  • Helps to reduce tension in the upper back which can help to reduce headaches.
  • Promotes healthy neck muscles, hands, and wrists.
  • Creates greater strength, flexibility, mobility, and range in the shoulders enabling a more fluid movement through the arms.

*The power behind this session is that it is bite-size and simplified so that you can easily add it to your training and everyday activities.

Our yoga training gives you:

  • An 18-minute video taking you through our yoga techniques for the shoulders, neck, and hands
  • Download the yoga lesson plan 
  • Download the audio 

50% Complete

Two Step

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